Well it didn't take long for Sony to address the recent Playstation Network outage. Minutes after the opening sizzle reel, Jack Tretton took the straightforward approach, rather than trying to play it off, though he did manage to sneak in a few half-hearted attempts at humor.
The uncontested big announcement of Sony's conference was the unveiling of their new handheld, the Playstation Vita, formerly known as the NGP. The Vita will feature two SKUs, a Wi Fi-only model for $250 and a Wi-Fi/3G model for $300. Games shown on the Vita were Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Ruin (which looks strikingly similar to Torchlight), Modnation Racers, Little Big Planet and Street Fighter x Tekken.
On the software side, Sony wasted no time jumping into the meat of their catalog, kicking the show off with a new demo of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (11/1/11). While impressive in its own right, the decayed ship environment didn't exactly show off the game's gorgeous visuals. In addition, Naughty Dog will be holding a multiplayer beta in late June.
Following Uncharted was a brief, unflattering demo of Resistance 3 (9/6/11), whose best feature so far appears to be its Olly Moss cover art. However, the game will feature a SOCOM-style sharpshooter bundle for $150.
Not to be discounted was an HD collection of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus (Sept. 2011), which appeared so briefly you'd have thought that Sony was ashamed of the cult classics. Both will be remastered and 3D enabled.
Speaking of 3D, Sony is attempting to make three dimensional gaming more accessible to those without an arm and a leg burning a hole in their pockets, with a $500 bundle including 24'' Playstation brand 3D TV, along with a pair of 3D glasses, an HDMI cable and Resistance 3.
From there, Sony focused on Move, with a Kobe Bryant-filled NBA 2K12 demo, a forgettable Medieval Moves: Dead Man's Quest demo (seriously, even the developer describing the game sounded like he didn't care), increased Move functionality in Little Big Planet 2, Infamous 2 and the space western-themed Starhawk.
My personal announcement of the show came when Sony unveiled Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (2012), which was teased in the recent (and very good, if you haven't picked it up yet) Sly HD Collection.
Sly was followed by Ken Levine, who came out and declared that Bioshock Infinite would feature Move functionality, and hinted at something Bioshock related on the PS Vita. In addition, PS3 Infinite will feature the original Bioshock, adding incentive to go PS3 for those with multiple consoles.
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